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The Son of the Taiga
Complete Edition

In the snowy landscape of the great Canadian North, at the start of the XIXth century, a young Indian who has been banished from his village sets off without looking back, with his nine dogs, his only friends. Ohio is fifteen years old and one of the most talented hunters in his clan, the Nahannis, the Indians who are protected by the Great Spirit of the Caribou.

He is chasing a wild dream: a long time ago, his mother guided some strange white men though the icy mountain. Ohio wants to find their leader, Cooper, his father.

During his journey, Ohio falls madly in love with an Indian girl, Mayoké. He dreams of living peacefully with her and her people. But beyond the mountains, he finds an unfathomable reality: a violent country devastated by war, where Indians, recruited by White people, fight each other over the control of hunting grounds and die of unknown deseases.

Can Ohio, son of an Indian woman and a White man, a bridge between these two cultures, protect his people from destruction?

With this great adventure story in the style of Jack London, Nicolas Vanier introduces us to a civilisation which is on the verge of dying, this life of Indians and trappers of the XIXth century when man lived in harmony with nature. Nicolas Vanier, who has been travelling for the past twenty years in the nordic countries, is also the author of numerous stories and novels, including The Child of the Snows (South Acts, 1995), The Great Deer (Lattès, 1998) and the White Odyssey (Robert Laffont, 1999).


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