God is a Friend of Mine
A first novel by a 33-year-old author
A modern writing, full of humor and vibrant with emotion.
The narrator is 30 when he meets God. Or, rather, when God summons him. He does not ask him for anything—just wants to talk about things, as in any budding friendship.
The life of this narrator, whose name we do not know, is henceforth punctuated by these meetings—initially fortuitous then regular: every Tuesday evening. The young man, who works in a sex-shop, meets Alice, a brilliant, hardworking psychology student. With a few (discreet) nudges from his best friend, the young man courts Alice. They fall in love, get married and have a child: Leo.
The evening of Leo’s birth, God congratulates him, assuring him that their baby will have a fine life.
Happiness reigns… for four years. Until Alice dies.
Life without Alice cannot be a fine life. Our young man is shattered and, in addition to his despair, he feels betrayed. He had so firmly believed! He has a falling out with God.
But the story is far from over…
Through the itinerary of a young man almost like everyone else, this hilarious, sensitive and accurately-observed novel quite simply celebrates life.
VIDEO IN ENGLISH – Cyril Massarotto
VIDEO IN ITALIAN – Cyril Massarotto