Europe's Last Chance
Save Europe!
In Europa, Europe’s last chance, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing calls, along with former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, for the urgent construction of strong and federated group of nations that initially comprises twelve members of the European Union.
Their project, baptized EUROPA, requires no modification of the European treaties. With the creation of a Directorate, the establishment of a single budget, taxation laws and common set of labor rights, it will allow the European continent to once again become a strong and united force to face the two giants of globalization: The United States and China.
Without EUROPA, the authors warn, in twenty or thirty years Europe and each of its member states will have no importance on the world stage.
“This EUROPA project belongs to you. To bring it to fruition you must abandon many of your negative thoughts, your individual selfishness, and the fear of change and believe in the desire to build one of the great civilizations of the XXIst Century!” Valéry Giscard d’Estaing
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